Friday, September 15, 2017

Learn Greek, Archaeology, and Evangelism

Lord willing, we will be starting a new round of courses at our Bible Institute at Mukwonago Baptist Church in the (very) near future.  Some brethren at a distance that offer both local and distance classes of their own have asked me to teach for them, and, of course, there are the local saints in the church to teach. 

If you, or other of the saints of God, are interested in taking any of the following courses at a distance, please contact my church and contact me to let me know.

1.) First year New Testament / Koine Greek.  We will learn the fundamentals of Greek grammar for the purpose of progressing to higher levels of understanding of the language, teaching for the purpose of the student growing in grace and growing in his ability to understand, exegete, apply, preach, and teach the Word.

2.) Archaeology and the Bible.  An introductory course surveying the many supports from archaeology for the Old and New Testaments.  We should cover things that, in my opinion, every Christian ought to learn about and be able to discuss with those who deny the truthfulness of Scripture as part of the command to give reasons for the Christian hope (1 Peter 3:15).  This course is not intended to be comprehensive but to be an introductory level overview of this important subject.

3.) Evangelistic Bible Studies.  A course on how to do an evangelistic Bible study with a lost person or persons.  Lord willing, we will teach through the Bible studies here and teach people how to do such studies with the lost.

If you, or a group of people in your church, are interested in learning any of these subjects, that you might love God with your mind, affections, and all who you are in a greater way and obey Him more as a result, please contact us sooner rather than later so that we can plan properly.

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